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Aluminum Piping Division

About Our Aluminum Piping for Compressed Air Systems

When it comes to the piping for the distribution of compressed air (or nitrogen, vacuum, or high-pressure air), black (iron), the only real choice is aluminium. We offer the best all-aluminium system on the market.

Aluminum piping systems for compressed air offer numerous benefits

  • • Lightweight
  • • Corrosion resistant
  • • High leak resistance
  • • Fast and easy installation
  • • Flexible and reusable

With these aluminium piping systems, no special tools are required for assembly or installation, and no grooving or crimping are necessary. All pieces connect together quickly and easily.

All piping and fittings are 100% aluminium and come in the broadest diameters and pressure ranges on the market

  • • Diameters ¾” to 8”
  • • High-vacuum to over 1000 PSI
  • • Max. working temperatures from -22°F to 266°F.

Why do you recommend aluminium compressed air piping?

Increased efficiency = Reduced operating costs & Increased air delivery

Do you want maximum efficiency from your compressed air system?

Pressure drop can be one of the reasons why you use too much compressed air and pay too high compressed air costs.

Pressure drop when blowing with compressed air is a common problem within the industry, but few know about it. A pressure drop is when there is a pressure difference between the air that leaves the compressor and the air that reaches the point-of-use. The point-of-use can for example be an air blow gun or an air knife. It is not unusual that the pressure has dropped 1 Bar (14.5 psi) before it reaches the final user. This can lead to lower product quality, impaired efficiency and higher compressed air costs.

What causes a pressure drop?

Pressure drop can occur due to a lot of different causes. One of the most common reasons are problems with the transportation of compressed air from the compressor to the point-of-use. Both the transportation length and the design of the transportation system affect the pressure drop. The pressure drops more the longer the compressed air is transported and depending on the amount of bends and curves on the pipes. It is also common that the pipe dimension gets thinner the longer you get from the compressor. To get the best result possible it should be the other way around. The pipe dimension should be wider the longer you get from the compressor. Then the pipe can also be used as a stock which will lower the risk of pressure drop.

Another common reason for pressure drop is bad maintenance and knowledge of filters and regulators. It is important to clean or switch the filters regularly and make sure that you use the right model of regulators to minimize the risk of pressure drop.